They came. They saw. They staged a shave-off in the Lillis atrium to kick-start the University of Oregon's third annual Movember campaign. Surrounded by an enthusiastic audience of MBA students, faculty, and staff, Lundquist College of Business Dean Kees de Kluyver and assistant deans Dave Boush and Sergio Koreisha pared away a combined total of sixty years of mustache. An international movement created to raise awareness of men's health issues, Movember first came to the University of Oregon campus in 2010, when JJ Owen, MBA '11, organized a month of mustache growing at the college. The movement quickly spread to other colleges and schools on campus. Owen now works full time for Movember, heading up the nonprofit's community, corporate, and collegiate efforts across the U.S. Led by Mitzi Ing, MBA '13, and Dylan Packebush, MBA '13, this year's Movemberists aim to outdo the $9,876.00 raised by the 2011 MBA team.